Time in Johannesburg and Los Angeles
The time difference between Johannesburg and Los Angeles, California, is 10 hours. Los Angeles is 10 hours behind Johannesburg.
- The current local time in Johannesburg is 12:21 am (January 17, 2025)
- Johannesburg is in the South African Standard Time Zone
- The time zone offset for Johannesburg, South Africa, is UTC+02:00
Los Angeles
- The current local time in Los Angeles is 2:21 pm (January 17, 2025)
- Los Angeles is in the Pacific Standard Time Zone
- The time zone offset for Los Angeles, United States, is UTC-08:00
How to convert Johannesburg time to Los Angeles time?
Subtract 10 hours from Johannesburg time to get Los Angeles time.
Time in Johannesburg
Time in Los Angeles
Time Conversion Chart
Johannesburg | Los Angeles |
12am | 2pm |
1am | 3pm |
2am | 4pm |
3am | 5pm |
4am | 6pm |
5am | 7pm |
6am | 8pm |
7am | 9pm |
8am | 10pm |
9am | 11pm |
10am | 12am |
11am | 1am |
12pm | 2am |
1pm | 3am |
2pm | 4am |
3pm | 5am |
4pm | 6am |
5pm | 7am |
6pm | 8am |
7pm | 9am |
8pm | 10am |
9pm | 11am |
10pm | 12pm |
11pm | 1pm |