Time in New York and San Francisco
The time difference between New York, New York, and San Francisco, California, is 3 hours. San Francisco is 3 hours behind New York.
New York
- The current local time in New York is 4:24 pm (January 17, 2025)
- New York is in the Eastern Standard Time Zone
- The time zone offset for New York, United States, is UTC-05:00
San Francisco
- The current local time in San Francisco is 1:24 pm (January 17, 2025)
- San Francisco is in the Pacific Standard Time Zone
- The time zone offset for San Francisco, United States, is UTC-08:00
How to convert New York time to San Francisco time?
Subtract 3 hours from New York time to get San Francisco time.
Time in New York
Time in San Francisco
Time Conversion Chart
New York | San Francisco |
12am | 9pm |
1am | 10pm |
2am | 11pm |
3am | 12am |
4am | 1am |
5am | 2am |
6am | 3am |
7am | 4am |
8am | 5am |
9am | 6am |
10am | 7am |
11am | 8am |
12pm | 9am |
1pm | 10am |
2pm | 11am |
3pm | 12pm |
4pm | 1pm |
5pm | 2pm |
6pm | 3pm |
7pm | 4pm |
8pm | 5pm |
9pm | 6pm |
10pm | 7pm |
11pm | 8pm |
Time difference from New York (UTC-05:00)
+5 hours
-3 hours
+6 hours
-3 hours
-5 hours
+16 hours
+13 hours
-3 hours
+14 hours
-3 hours