Time in Tarakan and Long Bawan
Currently, local time in Tarakan is the same as in Long Bawan.
- The current local time in Tarakan is 11:59 pm (October 6, 2024)
- Tarakan is in the Central Indonesia Time Zone
- The time zone offset for Tarakan, Indonesia, is UTC+08:00
Long Bawan
- The current local time in Long Bawan is 11:59 pm (October 6, 2024)
- Long Bawan is in the Central Indonesia Time Zone
- The time zone offset for Long Bawan, Indonesia, is UTC+08:00
How to convert Tarakan time to Long Bawan time?
No conversion is needed since there is no time difference between Tarakan and Long Bawan.
Time in Tarakan
Time in Long Bawan
Time Conversion Chart
Tarakan | Long Bawan |
12am | 12am |
1am | 1am |
2am | 2am |
3am | 3am |
4am | 4am |
5am | 5am |
6am | 6am |
7am | 7am |
8am | 8am |
9am | 9am |
10am | 10am |
11am | 11am |
12pm | 12pm |
1pm | 1pm |
2pm | 2pm |
3pm | 3pm |
4pm | 4pm |
5pm | 5pm |
6pm | 6pm |
7pm | 7pm |
8pm | 8pm |
9pm | 9pm |
10pm | 10pm |
11pm | 11pm |