- The current local time in Timaru is 10:33 am (January 17, 2025)
- Timaru is in the New Zealand Daylight Time Zone
- The time zone offset for Timaru, New Zealand, is UTC+13:00
- The current local time in Auckland is 10:33 am (January 17, 2025)
- Auckland is in the New Zealand Daylight Time Zone
- The time zone offset for Auckland, New Zealand, is UTC+13:00
How to convert Timaru time to Auckland time?
No conversion is needed since there is no time difference between Timaru and Auckland.
Time in Timaru
Time in Auckland
Time Conversion Chart
Timaru | Auckland |
12am | 12am |
1am | 1am |
2am | 2am |
3am | 3am |
4am | 4am |
5am | 5am |
6am | 6am |
7am | 7am |
8am | 8am |
9am | 9am |
10am | 10am |
11am | 11am |
12pm | 12pm |
1pm | 1pm |
2pm | 2pm |
3pm | 3pm |
4pm | 4pm |
5pm | 5pm |
6pm | 6pm |
7pm | 7pm |
8pm | 8pm |
9pm | 9pm |
10pm | 10pm |
11pm | 11pm |