Quarter to Twelve

Time in Daytona Beach, Florida, United States

Daytona Beach currently uses Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), and the time zone offset is UTC-04:00.

What time is it in Daytona Beach?

The current time in Daytona Beach is 2:56 am (April 20, 2024). The sun rises at 6:50 am and set at 7:55 pm. The length of the day is 13 hours and 4 minutes. Sunrise tomorrow is at 6:49 am, and sunset is at 7:55 pm.

6:50 am

7:55 pm
Use the slider above to view the day and night map at different times of the day.
Day–night colors on the map:
Day colors Day
Civil twilight colors Civil twilight
Nautical twilight colors Nautical twilight
Astronomical twilight colors Astronomical twilight
Night colors Night

The next time change in Daytona Beach

Clocks are turned backward one hour from 2 am to 1 am

Clocks in Daytona Beach will move back one hour on the first Sunday in November, with the time change taking place at 2 am on Sunday, November 03, 2024.

Time difference from Daytona Beach (UTC-04:00)

-1 hour
-2 hours
-4 hours
-6 hours
-1 hour
-3 hours
-3 hours
-1 hour