Time in Lamezia Terme, Italy
Lamezia Terme currently uses Central European Summer Time (CEST), and the time zone offset is UTC+02:00.
What time is it in Lamezia Terme?
The current time in Lamezia Terme is 8:32 pm (September 16, 2024). The sun rose at 6:36 am and set at 7:02 pm. The length of the day was 12 hours and 26 minutes. Sunrise tomorrow is at 6:37 am, and sunset is at 7:01 pm.
6:36 am
7:02 pm
The next time change in Lamezia Terme
Clocks in Lamezia Terme will move back one hour on the last Sunday in October, with the time change taking place at 3 am on Sunday, October 27, 2024.